By Delia / Last update January 12, 2022

Windows 11 introduces some new shortcuts while integrating most of the keyboard shortcuts of Windows 10. Here is a list of Windows 11 keyboard shortcuts to help you quickly navigate the desktop, Command Prompt, File Explorer, etc. and boost your efficiency.

windows 11

1. New keyboard shortcuts in Windows 11

Win + N Accesses the Notifications panel.

Win + A Open Quick Settings (Early Action Center).

Win + W Open widgets.

Win + Z to open Snap layout/template. Use the arrow keys to select a snap template.

Win + ↑ Snapping the active window to the top half of the display.

Win + ↓ Snaps the active window to the bottom half of the display.

Win + ←/→ Snapping the active window to the left/right half.

Win + C Open Microsoft Teams chat.

2. Windows combination shortcuts in Windows 11

Press Win and it will show the Start menu. However, you can use Windows key combination shortcuts to do many things.

windows key

Windows key Opens the Start menu.

Win + A opens the Quick Settings panel.

Win + E Opens the File Explorer.

Win + F Opens the Feedback Center.

Win + J Opens Voice Input.

Win + K Opens the Quick Projection settings.

Win + Tab Open Task View.

Win + Ctrl + D Create a new virtual desktop.

Win + Ctrl + F4 Close the active virtual desktop.

Win + Ctrl + ←/→ Switch between the previous and next virtual desktops in the chronological order of creation.

Win + Shift + ←/→ Moves the active application window from one monitor to another.

Win + L Locks the screen.

Win + T Cycle through the programs on the taskbar.

Win + R Open the Run dialog box.

Win + B and press Enter to show hidden icons.

Win + S Opens the Windows search bar.

Win + F4 Closes the active window.

Win + D Show/hide the desktop.

Win + , Temporarily shows the desktop, release the Win key to restore the active window.

Win + Shift + S Open the screenshot tool.

Win + X Open WinX menu.

Win + V Open Windows clipboard history.

Win + . Open Windows Emoticon Selector.

Win + I Open Windows 11 Settings.

Win + P Opens the Project screen.

Win + M Minimize all windows.

Win + U Opens the Accessibility Center.

Win + Home Minimizes all windows except the active window.

Win + Shift + M Maximize all minimized windows.

Win + 0~9 Open fixed applications in the taskbar according to the number position.

Win + Ctrl + O Opens the on-screen keyboard.

Win + Space Change input language and keyboard layout.

3. File Explorer shortcuts for Windows 11

windows 11 file explorer

Win + E Open File Explorer.

Ctrl + N Opens a new File Explorer window in File Explorer.

Ctrl + E Access the File Explorer search bar.

Ctrl + W Close the active window.

Ctrl + Mouse scroll to change file and folder views.

F4 Switch to the address/location bar.

F5 Refresh File Explorer.

F6 Toggle between the right/left pane.

Alt + D Selects the address bar of File Explorer.

Ctrl + Shift + N Create a new folder.

Alt + P Shows/hides the preview panel in File Explorer.

Alt + Enter opens the Properties menu for the selected item.

Shift + F10 Shows the classic context menu of the selected item.

Alt + ←/→ Go to the next or previous folder.

Alt + ↑ Go to the parent folder/directory.

Digit Lock + Plus (+) Expands the selected folder.

Number lock + Minus (-) Collapses the selected folder.

4. Keyboard shortcuts for Xbox Game Bar


Win + G Opens the Xbox game bar.

Win + Alt + G Records the last 30 seconds of the active game.

Win + Alt + R Get a screenshot of the game in progress.

Win + Alt + T Shows/hides the recording timer overlay.

5. General keyboard shortcuts for Windows 11

Here are some generic keyboard shortcuts for performing basic cut, copy, paste, accessing clipboard history and other tasks.

keyboard layout

Ctrl + A Select all items.

Ctrl + C Copy the selected item.

Ctrl + X Cuts the selected item.

Ctrl + V Paste the copied items.

Ctrl + Z Cancel changes.

Ctrl + Y Redo changes.

Ctrl + Shift + Drag the icon to create a shortcut.

Ctrl + Shift + Select multiple items with mouse.

Ctrl + O Open a file in the current application.

Ctrl + S Save file or folder.

Ctrl + Shift + S opens the Save As prompt.

Ctrl + N Opens a new window of the active application.

Alt + Tab Switches between running applications.

Alt + F4 Closes the active window.

Alt + F8 Displays your password on the login screen.

Shift + Delete Permanently deletes the selected item.

Ctrl + Delete Deletes the selected item and moves it to the Trash.

F5 Refreshes the active window.

F10 Opens the menu bar of the active application.

Ctrl + P Prints the current screen.

Ctrl + Shift + Esc Opens Task Manager.

F11 Enter/exit full screen mode.

6. Command Prompt shortcuts for Windows 11

command prompt

Ctrl + A Select All.

Ctrl + M Enter marker mode.

Ctrl + F Opens the "Find" dialog box in the command prompt.

Esc Clears everything you type immediately.

↑/↓ Cycle through the command history of the active session.

Pgup/Pgdn Moves the cursor up/down one page.

Ctrl + ↑/↓ Move the cursor up/down one screen line at a time.

Shift + Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line.

7. Accessibility shortcuts for Windows 11

If you use accessibility features, these shortcuts make it easier to find and use the accessibility features provided by Windows.

Win + U Opens the Accessibility Center.

Win + Minus/Plus (-/+) Zoom in/out the magnifier.

Ctrl + Alt + L Access the lens mode in the magnifying glass.

Ctrl + Alt + Mouse scroll to zoom in/out in the magnifier.

Alt + Ctrl + Arrow keys Pan in the magnifier.

Win + Esc Exit the magnifier.

Ctrl + Alt + D Switch the magnifier to docked mode.

Ctrl + Alt + F Restore the magnifier to full screen mode.

Win + Enter Opens the narrator.

Win + Ctrl + O Opens the on-screen keyboard.

Press the Shift five times to turn on/off the sticky key.

Press the Num Lock key five times to turn the toggle key on/off.

Press and hold the Right Shift key for a few seconds to turn the Filter key on/off.

Alt + Shift + Prntsc to turn on/off High Contrast.

Alt + Shift + Num Lock to turn on/off the mouse button.

These are some of the most common keyboard shortcuts in Windows 11 that can be used to perform everyday operations. Most of these keyboard shortcuts are also available for Windows 10 and earlier versions.