By Zelia / Last Updated July 18, 2023

What does Missing Authentication Token mean

Missing Authentication Token error typically occurs when attempting to access an AWS service without providing the necessary authentication information. Here are some common causes of this error:

  • Missing or Incorrect AWS Credentials: One of the primary causes of the Missing Authentication Token for rest request is not providing valid AWS credentials. This can happen when using AWS CLI, SDKs, or making direct API requests.
  • Expired or Invalid AWS Credentials: If the provided AWS credentials have expired or become invalid, the Authentication Token will be missing, leading to the error.
  • Incorrectly Configured AWS CLI or SDK: Improper configuration of the AWS CLI or SDKs can result in Missing Authentication Token error.
  • Incorrectly Formatted API Request: The error can occur if the API request is not properly formatted or missing required parameters. Verify that the request structure aligns with the AWS service's API documentation.
  • Network Connectivity Issues: In some cases, network connectivity issues or firewall restrictions may prevent the authentication token from being received by the AWS service, resulting in Missing Authentication Token error.
  • Misconfigured IAM Policies: If the IAM user or role associated with the request lacks the required permissions, it can result in Missing Authentication Token error.
  • Service Outage or Maintenance: Occasionally, AWS services may experience temporary outages or scheduled maintenance, which can cause authentication issues and result in Missing Authentication Token error.
  • Incorrect Service Endpoint: Using an incorrect service endpoint can lead to authentication failures and Missing Authentication Token error.

When troubleshooting Missing Authentication Token, it's crucial to double-check your AWS credentials, verify the request structure, review IAM policies, and ensure network connectivity. By addressing these potential causes, you can resolve the error and successfully authenticate your requests to AWS services.


How to troubleshoot S3 Missing Authentication Token error

To resolve the S3 Missing Authentication Token error, follow these troubleshooting steps:

1. Verify that a resource and method are set up in the API Gateway resource path.

Note: For the modifications to take effect, the API must be deployed.

2. Make sure there is a method configured beneath the root resource for APIs with proxy resource integration where the request method is sent.

3. Verify that neither the backend integration nor the API Gateway responses have been altered.

4. Make sure the API doesn't alter the gateway responses. Additionally, ensure sure the integration backend isn't the source of the error. Check the API Gateway execution logs and backend logs.

5. If the API method has IAM authentication turned on, make sure the request is signed.

6. Verify that the HTTP method request you are submitting to the REST API endpoint is the proper one. A GET HTTP method request is automatically sent when a web browser tests a REST API endpoint.

7. Use a different HTTP client to test a POST HTTP method request. For example: Postman or curl.

▸Example curl command that uses the POST HTTP method request:

$ curl -X POST -d

▸Example sending request with JSON header:

$ curl --location -X POST '' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"x":"y"}'

▸Examples sending curl POST request with AWS V4 signature authentication:

$ curl -X POST "" -d --user : --aws-sigv4 "aws:amz::

$ curl -X POST "" -d '{"x":"y"}' --user ABCD:1234 --aws-sigv4 "aws:amz:us-east-1:execute-api"


Encountering the S3 Missing Authentication Token error can be frustrating, but with the right troubleshooting steps, you can quickly resolve the issue.

S3 Missing Authentication Token error can be frustrating but can be resolved by following the solutions outlined in this article. By checking IAM roles and policies, verifying bucket policies, ensuring correct endpoint URL, checking region settings, and updating SDK versions, you can overcome S3 Missing Authentication Token error and access your S3 data with ease. Remember to follow best practices and review the AWS documentation to avoid common mistakes when accessing S3.