Computer Crash (Windows 10) on Update
I recently (12/11/20) purchased Aomei Backupper Professional, downloaded it, and had it run back ups which seemed to work well until about 12/20/20 (about 9 days). Around 1a/20 or a day or two after, I got a notification that there was an update and clicked to install the update. Nothing much happened, but it did wipe out the Backupper Professional program. When I looked in the program files it was no longer there. So, I re-booted and got the Blue Screen of Death. Nothing that I could do would bring the computer back to life. I had to have a computer specialist bring the computer back to life (wiping out all programs,so incurred significant expense and had to start from scratch to reload all other programs). Now, I am hesitant to reload Backupper Professional.
Is it safe to do that?
Have others had similar experiences?
Is it best just not to take the chance and write it off as a bad experience?
I liked the program while it worked but obviously, at this point, without some assurance it won't happen again, the risks are just too great.
Is it safe to do that?
Have others had similar experiences?
Is it best just not to take the chance and write it off as a bad experience?
I liked the program while it worked but obviously, at this point, without some assurance it won't happen again, the risks are just too great.
"When I looked in the program files it was no longer there. So, I re-booted and got the Blue Screen of Death."---Did you mean that the new version hasn't yet been installed before you reboot? Only the old edition has been uninstalled?