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2 License limit?

I purchased Aomei Backupper Pro and thought I had a two PC limit.  The online account information shows it is a 2 pc limit and with only 1 active device.  I believe that agrees with what I had installed, i.e. to my knowledge I have only installed it on one computer.
When I go to try to register Backupper Pro on my wife's computer I get a message that I have exceeded the registration limits.  I'm using the registration code I see online in my account.  Am I missing something?  How do I fix this, if I'm right. 

For future information and reference, how do I unregister just one computer?


  • edited June 6
    Backupper 1 product code works with 1 PC. If you are migrating to a new PC, you may contact them to request a license reset.
    Partition Assistant is different, that is 1 product code works with 2 PC.
    "The online account information shows it is a 2 pc limit and with only 1 active device"
    Please confirm you are not refering to an old BU Trial Product code. Trial product codes expire after a period of time.
    If you want BU on 2 PC, you may simply go to the PC that has BU not yet activated, uninstall the app, and it will present you with a 50% off coupon.
    You could also create a BU USB drive, you can make as many of those as you want for free, and they will never expire.

    Tech Support & license reset
    Backupper WinPE USB:
    Add custom drivers, such as NVMe, if necessary. Does not work on some Monitors.

  • Update:  Okay, now I'm really confused.  I was not using the BU Trial Product code but a purchased one as AiArtisan suggested to look for.  

    I really like Aomei BU but not a fan of the online accounting of license code.  Just to get it installed on my wife's computer, I purchased the "Family" license.  It's only a few $$ more and it's worth it and I should get 4 additional computers since it a 5 computer indefinite license.  I then went online to see if the code was registered and my account says the first license now was used by 2 computers with a device limit of 2 computers. When I wrote the note above it said the used by 1 computer.  Don't know where the 2nd computer where this was supposedly installed on is, but it is certainly not worth the effort now to find out. 

    The new family license had to be added, and it is showing 1 computer used with 5 device limit.  That should be correct.  I'm hoping I'll be able to add 4 more computers.  Enough said, but I'm hoping the accounting is accurate from now on. 
  • I have a similar problem.
    I have an Aomei BU license and I can't migrate it to another computer, when I access the account to remove it I get an error "Failed to remove license code." and when I send an email to support, the email comes back.
    I hope someone can help me
  • edited June 20
    You could email them to request a license reset.
    If you want BU on 2 PC, you may simply go to the PC that has BU not yet activated, uninstall the app, and it will present you with a 50% off coupon.
    You could also create a BU USB drive, you can make as many of those as you want for free, and they will never expire.

    Tech Support & license reset
    Backupper WinPE USB:
    Add custom drivers, such as NVMe, if necessary. Does not work on some Monitors.

    Aomei (Win)PE Builder USB:
    Best for PCs before 2020, includes Backupper, Partition Assistant, Recuva, 7zip, OSF Mount, CPU-Z, Bootice, DiskMgmt.msc. Supports x64 portable apps. Does not support any additional drivers, such as some internal M.2 NVMe disks.

  • "when I send an email to support, the email comes back."
    What address are you emailing your support request to?
    Please use this one.
    Tech Support & license reset

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