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Create Bootable Media Window Closed immediatly.

Hello, I use AOMEI Backupper.

I operated

Create Bootable Madia
Windows PE and CHECK ON Download WinPE creating environment from internet
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Export ISO File
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Create Bootable Media Window Closed immediatly.
There is no message, no log.
ISO file is not created.

Is there any countermeasure?



  • edited May 19
    Hello, I understand you are using Aomei software, but it is not working. Please confirm you are using the latest Aomei software version 7.3.5. Install all Windows updates, including Optional & Firmware updates. Scan for viruses with a 3rd party scanner, such as Malwarebytes. Create a new Windows user account, local non-Microsoft, and log into Windows with that fresh user account. Use Task Manager to disable unnecessary startup apps. Reply with a screenshot from Partition Assistant, and please upload your log file folder under the installation directory of AOMEI Backupper Generally, it is
    C:\Program Files (x86)\AOMEI\AOMEI Backupper\<Version>\log
    to check and analyze the issue, where VersionNumber is the Backupper 7.x.x number.
    C:\Program Files (x86)\AOMEI\AOMEI Backupper\<version>\log\reg.log
  • Kbt, Please try to untick "Download WinPE creating environment from internet" to create WinPE. If the option is ticked by default, please try to download and install Windows ADK and Windows PE Addon. After that, please try to create WinPE by unchecking the option.
    As for downloading and installing Windows ADK and Windows PE Addon, please refer to here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/get-started/adk-install
  • Thank you very much for your reply. I successed to make iso file. I saved iso file USB hard disk, after tens of seconds later, Windows 10 crashed blue screen "Critical Process Died". I had to clean install Windows 10. I have next trouble. Please tell me advice. The USB memory writed the isofile can not boot. I Press Del or F2 before booting OS, Showing bootable media and select USB media. Nothing happen. rufus, UltraISO, BurnAware success to write iso file Windows 10, Linux mint, AOMEI bootable. Iso File Windows 10, Linux mint, AOMEI bootable can boot in the Virtualbox guest. Only AOMEI bootable USB memory can not boot on my PC. Windows 10, Linux mint bootable USB memory can boot on my PC.
  • edited May 22
    Please reply with a screenshot from Partition Assistant, and from Start > System Information.
  • @Kbt, Did you use third-party tool to burn ampe.iso file to your USB? If yes, the WinPE might be unable to boot. Please try to directly create WinPE bootable USB via AOME Backupper.
  • edited May 22
    If you create Aomei WinPE USB using Aomei's normal USB creation process, it should be formatted ahead of time as MBR partition table type. Can you confirm your WinPE USB is MBR, not GPT?
  • AiArtisan, admin, thank you. Thankyou very much.

    I seccessed.
    I made bootable USB memory by AOMEI Backupper write USB option.

    Only success operations are
    (Left Click)Tools
    (Left Click)Create Bootable Media

    (Left Click)Windows PE - Create bootable disc based on Windows PE
    (Not check)Download WinPE creating environment from internet

    (Left Click)Next >>
    (Left Click and select USB memory)USB Boot Device
    (Left Click)Next >>
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