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Cannot stop or reinstall AnyViewer

In earlier versions, when Anyviewer stopped working, it was a simple matter to reinstall it.  But, with ver. 4.4, this is not possible.  If you try to uninstall v4.4 it reports that AV "is running.  Please stop it and try again".   But, you can't stop it.  When I use the task manager to end the anyviewer core, it reinstalls itself, within seconds, making it impossible to uninstall, and thus to reinstall. So, I have a version of AV that will not work, and which cannot be fixed.

I have added AV to the exception list in my AntiVirus program, but that did not help. 


  • edited May 15
    Hello Telyt400, I understand you have a PC that you have to reinstall Anyviewer over and over.
    "Anyviewer stopped working"
    That is unfortunate that it appears to have stopped working. What is not working? Did you try to restart PC, to see if it works then?
    Could you please install all Windows updates, including Optional & Firmware updates. That is good that you have a traditional Antivirus, and could you please also scan with an anti-malware app that will also locate PUPs and junk software, such as Malwarebytes or Hitman. Create a new Windows user account, local non-Microsoft, and log into Windows with that fresh user account. Use Task Manager to disable unnecessary startup apps. Try uninstalling it in Safe Mode, Start > hold Shift > Power > Restart > Safe Mode with Networking. Reply with a screenshot of your error from Anyviewer.
    AnyViewer Tech Support
    [email protected]
    Anyviewer Guides

  • @Telyt400, Sorry for the inconvenience. Please try to the following steps:
    1. Search "CMD" in the Start menu, then run it as an administrator to open the command line window.
    2. Then, run the following command:
    cd C:\Program Files (x86)\AnyViewer
    RCService.exe -remove

    3. Then, restart the computer, then download and reinstall the latest version of AnyViewer again.
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