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AOMEI Backupper doesn't recognize PC's drive

Backupper 7.3.5 doesn't show any disks in the Choose Disk window on my Acer Aspire S32-1856 with Windows 11.

I've found a related KB and followed all the steps:

1. Please make sure the drive is listed under Windows Disk Management.

The drive is listed in Windows Disk Management.

2. Please check the type of this drive. Backupper doesn’t support eMMC storage device.

There is an NVMe M.2 2280 disk in the Acer Aspire S32-1856.

3. Please check whether or not the drive is 4096 bytes per sector. AOMEI Backupper doesn’t support drives with 4096 bytes per sector.

My disk has 512 bytes per sector.

4. Please check whether or not you have encrypted the drive. If so, please decrypt it.

There is no encryption on my drive.

5. Please check whether or not the drive is a dynamic disk. Backupper doesn’t support backing up/cloning dynamic disk by using Disk Backup/Disk Clone.

The drive is not a dynamic disk.

Is there any chance to use Backupper on my PC?



  • edited May 10
    Hello Vkapas, thank you for your interest in Backupper. I understand you want to do a disk backup, but your NVMe is not showing in BU.
    When you open Partition Assistant, does your disk show there? Please reply with info, so we can help you, Vkapas.
    1) Which motherboard mode Legacy-BIOS, UEFI-CSM, UEFI-nonCSM?
    2) What Aomei product tier Standard, Pro, Other? Version?
    3) Please upload the log file. C:\Program Files (x86)\AOMEI\AOMEI Backupper\<Version>\log\reg.log
    4) Please reply with screenshots from Disk Management, PA, BU, and also of
    list disk
    select disk #
    list partition
    list volume
    detail disk

  • @Vkapas, It might be that the disk drivers failed to be loaded correctly. Please reboot the computer to check again. If it still is the same situation, please manually download and reinstall the latest version 7.3.5:
  • Hello, guys, and thanks for the quick reply.

    It's so funny that I've not tried to reboot the PC after installing Backupper. And, as you can guess, a simple reboot fixed the problem.

    After rebooting, Backupper can recognize the drive and all partitions on it.

    Thank you for the help again!

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