If I use PA 10.3 to migrate OS to SSD, will the SSD be bootable?
Hi. I used the PA 10.3 "Migrate OS" function. It completed successfully.
Question 1: If I use PA 10.3 to "Migrate OS" to SSD, will the SSD be bootable? Or, should I use "Clone Disk" or "Clone Partition" instead?
Win10 Home
ASUS X551M-X451; UEFI-CSM (from msinfo32); GPT (HDD)
PA 10.3
I tried both UEFI boot options but neither worked.
Question 2: If I create a BIOS boot options, is it: \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\\bootmgr.efi?
ASUS X551M BIOS is from 2014 - 10 years old.
I didn't see any driver updates for the SanDisk Extreme SSD 2TB => maybe only for V2 SSD.
I put some screen-caps below that show BIOS information. Maybe there are ideas how I can boot the SSD clone of this old ASUS machine. I can boot AOMEI WinPE on same ASUS machine => I used WinPE Builder 2.0.
BIOS boot options:
msinfo32 - ASUS
msinfo32 - SanDisk SSD
wmic - BIOS
regedit - BIOS
Reboot with CSM disabled - Blue-screen
Thanks for any suggestions and help.
Disk 1 HDD GPT 500GB
Put all bootable ISOs on 1 USB Stick, open source
- have 3 other ASUS exactly same - guy owed me $$$ years ago
- PC1 has office 2007 and Acrobat pro xi
- test physical cloning on older machines
Let me try ventoy and I will respond with info.
Add custom drivers, such as NVMe, if necessary. Does not work with some monitors.
Partition Assistant WinPE USB:
Add custom drivers, such as NVMe, if necessary.
Aomei WinPE Builder USB:
Best for PCs from or before 2019, includes Partition Assistant, Backupper, Recuva, 7zip, OSF Mount, CPU-Z, Bootice, DiskMgmt.msc. Supports x64 portable apps. Does not support any additional drivers, such as some internal M.2 NVMe disks.
Based on Windows 11, includes 160 utilities, 340 new drivers, old BU 6.5.1, PA 10.2.2. Put custom drivers, into the “CustomDrivers” folder.
Ventoy is exFAT. I can boot Win10 iso > 4gb.
thanks for your help. If I have other questions I’ll ask.
As we have discussed in this thread, PA 10.3 SSD USB is clone that does not boot.