Resore a backup to an external disk
Before I wanted to reinstall Windows 10, I made a backup. The reinstall went wrong - now I can't even get into the BIOS. Can I now load the backup to the removed HD? Maybe the computer will start again when I install the HD again.... Thanks for tips.
Before I wanted to reinstall Windows 10, I made a backup. The reinstall went wrong - now I can't even get into the BIOS. Can I now load the backup to the removed HD? Maybe the computer will start again when I install the HD again.... Thanks for tips.
Add custom drivers, such as NVMe, if necessary. Does not work with some monitors.
Best for PCs from or before 2019 x32x64, includes Partition Assistant, Backupper, Recuva, 7zip, OSF Mount, CPU-Z, Bootice, DiskMgmt.msc. Supports x64 portable apps. Does not support any additional drivers, such as some internal M.2 NVMe disks.