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Backupper image files auto overwrite

Thanks for your nice and easy to use product.

I have the following issue:

I run a full image backup every day using the weekly schedule to RDX drives, one for each weekday.

When the backup cycles for a full week, there is not enough space on the drive anymore to support another backup file before the old one is deleted according to the backup scheme.

I would like the option to overwrite the previous week old file rather than keep it.

Is there a good solution for this? The size of the disk won't be sufficient for 2 Backup Sets.

Even deleting a "good" backup set would not be a real issue here, as there is physical disk rotation, so there is no real danger, as the old set is already about 7 days old and there are 6 more recent copies on 6 physically different drives.

Thanks a lot and kind regards


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