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Anyviewer Deployment code for managed devices for unattended access

I have reached out to AnyViewer support multiple times without receiving a clear response. My inquiry pertains to unattended access on managed devices (NOT LOGIN DEVICES) established through deployment codes. Specifically, I need clarification on whether it's necessary to re-enter a new deployment code every three months to maintain unattended access to unattended devices (managed devices). This is crucial as there are certain computers where maintaining continuous access is essential. Thank you for your assistance in resolving this matter.


  • edited January 3
    Welcome Jacooper, thank you for asking how long Anyviewer unattended access lasts before it asks you for another deployment code. I am experienced with Anyviewer, but I don't know the answer to this question.
    Could I please ask, what computer do you have that can be turned on for over 3 months without causing additional wear on the computer? A server?

  • @Jacooper, It isn't necessary to re-enter a new deployment code every three months to maintain unattended access to unattended devices (managed devices).
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