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AOMEI partition assistant can't start

Hello my disk doesn't appear in windows file manager I think it is MBR issue.
I tried to open windows disk manager which showed my disk with complete unallowed space. But the windows disk manager took a long time to boot up I think scanning this disk takes a long time.
(in the past this disk recently shown very similar slow boot issue)
I downloaded AOMEI partition assistant to try repair MBR but the tool doesn't start.

It takes a long time to open the software and never completely start. The software is in "does not answer" state in windows.
Only my faulty disk (which is disk0) appear in the software but I think it refresh the scanning process over and over again and never pass above this disk.


  • I meant unallocated not unallowed space.

    I could load AOMEI partition assistant and do a MBR rebuild, but the disk is unchanged and still appear the same as unallocated.
  • edited July 2023
    i tried to change sata port and everything still the same exact issue
    the software is extremely slow to answer btw
  • tried to check for faulty sectors and found a lot but they are spaced and also the disk is very slow to read so it takes too much time I can't let it go until 100%
    (in the past the read speed was very very anormaly slow on some startup but it could get back to normal after a little bit of time or computer restart so I used the disk with it)
    I'm surprised the disk get instantly unusuable from yesterday to today like that
    is there something I can do to get back my data?
  • @Falco, You can try to run Recover-->Partition Recovery to see if it can help you scan the previous partitions. But, if it can't find, we are afraid that our software can't help you further.
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