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Aomei Backupper Pro, very slow image backup, Windows 11

edited April 2023 in AOMEI Products Support
I upgraded my system to Windows 11 Pro and want to do an image backup with aomei backupper like before. Before I was on Windows 10 Pro.

But now the same backup take about 2 to 3 times longer than before. I use 2 different programs to have 2 different images for security. And with the second that is acronis true image wd edition (free) it takes about half the time to make a complete image of my system. Even Windows own image backup program (Sichern und Wiederherstellen (Windows 7)) is much faster than aomei backupper right now. 

Before the upgrade it was as fast as the other two programs I wrote. Now it takes 2 or 3 times longer for backup.

I use Microsoft Defender as security option within my system. But this should not be the problem I hope.

I always make a image of entire system with 3 drives, 2 SSD, 1 HDD. Backup is about 700 GB and it goes to an external USB3 drive. It takes about 5 - 7 hours or more with validation. Before it takes about 3 hours or so.


  • @Lemmi, Did you mean that it takes a long time to verify backup? Please try to run the backup again without verifying the backup. After that, you can click Tools-->Check Image to manually check the backup image file.
  • No the backup itself takes longer. Even without verifying the problem appears. It takes much longer then before. 

    I make an image backup to an extern harddrive, that is plugged in usb3 port of my computer. 
  • @Lemmi, Did you mean that acronis and Windows own image backup program will take half the time to backup the same win11 to the same USB external drive?
    How long did AOMEI Backupper actually take to do the backup (without verifying backup)?
  • edited April 2023
    Yes same configuration! Acronis and Windows own image program take nearly the same time vor normal backup within Windows 11 to external USB 3.0 drive. And this takes nearly 1/3 of the time that aomei backupper needs for the same. 

    Acronis makes it in about 1,5 to 2 hours and Aomei nearly 4 hours or more.
  • @Lemmi, Could you send us the log folder under the installation directory of AOMEI Backupper so that we check the problem further?
  • Here is the complete log folder in zip format. Hope it helps.

    It is the log file that was in last backup file I created. If there is a need I can make a total new image backup and send you the files again. Cause I went shortly to Win10 and make my system again to Win11 from the image I made before. 
    log.zip 135.9K
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