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Used New version of Aoemi Backerupper and computer will not even boot

I am a paying Aoemi backup owner. I downloaded the latest update last night ( 12/15/22 ) and updated my version of Backupper. I started to clone my boot drive to an internal backup drive. It got 63% through and shutdown my computer . On reboot I got to the boot menu but none of the drives showing there were my boot drive. I shut it down and started it again and got to the boot menu and it gave me the error “File \EFI \microsoft \boot\memtest.efi and said to put my Microsoft Windows CD in or contact my system administrator and then it shut down by itself. So I started it again. At one point I think it gave me only one option to boot from some Aoemi system boot program or something from Aoemi  which I don’t have. But it did not give me ANY other option to boot from.  Now the computer wiI not even post — I cannot get anything on my monitor — no images of any kind and I cannot get into my boot menu . 

what  can I do? I’ need to speak to someone what number can I call?.. I paid for this software and  there is no support by phone! I cannot boot my computer so I have no idea what my version or license number is. It 
my name is Ronald Monterosso phone 508 627 7399


  • Try turning off the power supply switch or pulling the plug briefly; machines are not truly off if they have power. Power-off reset may allow the machine to post. The other symptoms could indicate the boot drive or other hardware has failed.

    Do you have a bootable USB key with Backupper?  If your C drive fails, you need some way to run a restore. Backupper can make bootable media, as can Aomei's PE Builder.
  • I have an old 512Gb bootable drive from a year ago that I have used to boot.  The original 1TB C drive and the internal back up drive that the Aoemi program destroyed are both not recognized. I can assign a drive letter but there is nothing on them I have spent the last day and a half trying to update the old boot drive with current drivers . At this point I am guessing the only thing to do is to wipe the original 1 TB C-drive and clone the 512gb drive onto the old 1Tb but Aoemi does not seem to be able to clone a bootable drive if there had been anything on the target disk before — even if you reformat the target 
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