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Can't boot my laptop

Hello everyone I need help with my Dell G3 laptop

I used aomei software to resize the hard drive partitions, decrease the C partition and increase the SRP to more than 200MB.

After the software successfully finished and asked for a restart, my laptop start the reboot then it's stuck on the Dell logo, and I can't even enter the bios 

Is there anything I can do to solve this issue?



  • @Rand, The C: drive is behind of SPR partition? If so, when you increase the SRP partition, it will change the start sector of the system drive, which might cause the system can't boot. Maybe you can try:
    If you have the installation DVD or USB of Windows (available only for these Windows versions: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1,10 and 11), you can use it to run bootrec commands to fix boot problem.
    a. Insert the installation media and boot from it.
    b. At the Welcome screen, click “Repair…” option.
    c. Select Troubleshoot
    d. Select Command Prompt
    e. Type
    bootrec / fixmbr
    Diskpart> list volume
    Diskpart> sel disk 0  //select the disk you want to fix
    Diskpart> list volume
    Diskpart> sel volume 0 //select the “system” or “EFI” partition on the cloned disk
    Diskpart> assign letter=H
    Diskpart> exit
    bcdboot C:\Windows /s H: /f all
    bootsect /nt60 sys
    bootrec /fixboot
    bootrec /rebuldbcd
    Ps. Please press Enter after each command to perform the command.
    f. When you are finished with Command Prompt, type exit, press Enter and remove the DVD/USB from the drive. Reboot the computer to boot from the cloned disk again.
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