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Backupper not backing up all files on ONEDRIVE

Backupper is not backing up all files that are in the folders on ONEDRVE is there some restrictions on backing up a cloud drive?  The majority of the files are backed up but there some files that are not being backed up. .  any suggestions as to why?


  • @Dh64705, Please check if these files are on Onedrive online space. If yes, you need to download them to the onedrive local folder. AOMEI Backupper currently supports access to the local cloud folder only.
  • Thanks, that fixed the problem.
  • edited December 2022
    For most people, it is better to have OneDrive truely sync the files to both the cloud and your PC. Under default Onedrive settings, it merely shows something on your PC that looks like your files, but if you open a file, it will have to download it from the cloud to open it for you. Please go to OneDrive Settings > left tab > uncheck "Save space" box.

    If you do not uncheck this box, and then allow Onedrive to download all of your files from the cloud to your PC, then if you use Backupper, it will only clone the empty versions of your personal files, instead of the actual full file.

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