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Data traffic during backup

I noticed that during the backup operations there is constant data traffic (in/out) by the executable Aomei files. What is this data trafficking due to?


  • @Styb, Could you take a screenshot so that we check?
  • edited November 2022
    System backup performed by Aomei backupper professional trial 7.1

  • @Styb, When you use AOMEI Backupper, it will need to access Google.com or Bing.COM to check if the network is connected. So, it will need some data traffic.
  • @Admin: The transmitted  data amount (Mbyte) is excessive for connectivity check to Google, Bing (but also Amazon and Cloudflare) servers. I would like to know if other data and what type of data is transmitted, and in this case the Aomei Privacy Policy page should be updated, because on that page there is no reference to data transmission during backup activities.
    I kindly ask if you can clarify the reason for the amount of transmitted data during the backup operations.

  • Hello admin aomei,
    I have the same question. I have activated aomei pro backupper paid version and clearly forbid and uncheck to collect data on ''experience improvment program'', and as said on agreement ''if LICENSEE don't join the User Experience UX improvement Program, aomei don't collect any information.''

    So, after backupper installation, I forbid and uncheck ''experience imporvement program'' and activated successfully to pro and started analize traffic with wireshark, tcpview and networkmonitor3.4 (ms). This is a collect of external address connection from aomei software:

    Backupper.exe connects to:

    - CloudFlare Inc.
    - Amazon.com Inc
    - CloudFlare Inc.
    - CloudFlare Inc.
    - Google LLC
    - Google LLC
    - Google LLC
    - Google LLC
    - Google LLC
    - Google LLC
    - Google LLC
    - Google LLC
    - Amazon.com Inc

    - Google LLC
    - Google LLC

    - CloudFlare Inc

    Only few of this ip are about software functionality as licensing, account, updates etc. Google address are still collecting data against user setting preference...aomei said its a voluntary impro program...doesn't look like that.

    Any clarification is welcome.

  • very quite here, silence is gold literally, and data-metadata is the new petroleum.

    Again, any clarification is welcome.
  • @Admin: Could you please clarify the matter? Is Internet traffic due to connectivity check or for a data exchange?

  • Ah I think be silent is the best way to play it...
    most of user don't even care what happen ''under the hood'' and maybe there are some young lawyers on the web searching for an easy class action who will bring all the due attention for smuggling users data out of license agreement (voluntary as said: ''experience improvment program'', and as said on agreement ''if LICENSEE don't join the User Experience UX improvement Program, aomei don't collect any information.'')

    Untill that moment our best way to play it is UNINSTALL that beepware from our machines.

  • @Giux, @Styb Sorry to reply to you late.We don't collect any information when you uncheck ''experience imporvement program''.
    1. Backupper.exe is the main interface program, which needs to detect if there is internet on your computer. It contains the logic of automatically accessing Google. But, please be assured that it doesn't collect any data upload.
    2. ABCHHlp.exe is a bug, we will modify it in the next version. But, please be assured that it doesn't collect any data upload.
    3. ABNotify.exe is used to detect preferential activities we offered. Sometimes, we will offer sale activities from software on some important festivals.
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