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Hardware Replacement - Backupper Pro Activation Failure

Howdy. It looks like I'm having the issue I've seen other people have. I had a catastrophic failure with my PC yesterday, had to go running to Microcenter to get a replacement motherboard/processor. I replaced and luckily didn't have to reinstall Windows. Got Windows/Office re-activated but it appears the hardware replacement broke my Backupper Pro install, says not registered and license key doesn't work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. 


  • @Czechster1, We have reset your license code. Please try to register again.
  • I just tried it - program is now properly registered. Thank you very much for your help.
  • Hello, I have a problem with the activation of my Aomei Backupper program that I purchased, I have a lae license, I cannot activate the program. I will add that in my computer I had to replace the disk because the old one died, please help me.

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