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Cloning 5TB reported done at about 20%

I was cloning a 5TB USB external driver to another exact same one.

After going maybe 20% it report it was finished.  (at 40Mpbs it was a 28 hrs task , No way it was done)

The target was not finished.

Is there a log somewhere?  I was horrified to have it claim is was done when in fact it was not even close.

This is a huge false positive that could have lost a lot of data, if I didn't catch its mistake.  I would like to look at logs it may have written to get to the bottom of the problem.

Can you let me know if there are logs written out anywhere?



  • @Iguana, Please send us the log folder under installation directory of the program. Please zip the whole log folder.
    In addition, please check if there is crash.dmp file under the installation directory of the program.
    You also can try to do the clone again to check if you will get the same problem.
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