Feature Request : Remote/Cloud BackUp (WebDAV, FTP ...) - Backupper
Cloud & Remote Backup (Backupper)
To help users to backup better, you should integrate the cloud backup with WebDAV, S3, FTP, Swift
Not only GDrive, Dropbox or OneDrive, because in France, it's not compatible with GDPR
If you integrate this feature (and ADI Explorer), you'll beat ALL other backup soft
(and I'll proud to sell them in France, I've lot of customers who looking for Acronis alternative)
For implement it, you should looking about rclone, a FREE & All In One cloud File & Folder program
RClone website : https://rclone.org/
Thanks for your suggestions. We will submit them to our dev team. We will support backing up to more clouds in the future.
AOMEI Backupper currently doesn't support saving backups to the online cloud. We will add the feature in the near future.