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Error Information Code:6

Similar to forum/discussion/291/error-information-code-6 image

When trying to create 2.5TB partition on new 3TB drive on Win8.1 both when launching AOMEI from Win8.1 as from WinPE-bootable CD created with AOMEI...
"Sorry, the current operation has been canceled! Information
Code: 6 Description: The partition table on the disk was failed to
update as the partition table is being locked by other programs, please
close other programs and retry."

Any help appreciated image


  • Interactive, this problem makes sense if it's a drive actively being used by the system.  Booting from the WinPE disk ought to alleviate that.  I don't have the equipment to reproduce your problem (my computer's running Windows 7, and I don't own any drives larger than 1 TB), but I'd try the following:

    1. Wipe out any existing partitions assuming the software allows it.

    2. Create a new partition table and use GPT.  This is needed for drives greater than 2 TB.

    3.  Ensure any partitions you create are formatted with a file system that can read them (NTFS for example). 

    Please let us know if this helps or if you need more detailed instructions.

  • Hi Daryl,

    - The 3TB-drive wasn't being used (as far as I know: new drive, even disabled Bitdefender etc trying to identify which process was locking the drive).

    - Booting with the WinPE-CD did not resolve the issue (exact same error).

    - Just now converted drive via "Rebuild MBR" + Apply (succesful but of course only able to create 2TB-partition)

    - and then converted back to GPT again + Apply and after that I was able to create new partitions larger than 2TB

    Thx for support!


  • Peter,

    I'm glad you got it going, and you're welcome.  Hope it was helpful.


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