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Above Files are Being Used By Another Program

I tried doing a backup and it worked with most of my files, but Adobe files in several folders came up with the description: "The above files are being used by other programs, so is unable to backup them. Please click the following button to continue." It said to "Restart Mode Backup," which I tried, but that didn't help. Those files are not being used by other programs. What is the problem?


  • edited November 2017

    Please check whether they are long path files.

  • They are not particularly long; no longer than other files that are being backed up. 

    Something interesting I noticed. These files are in the first 4 folders alphabetically of 19 in the  folder named "Adobe" as well as the first file of 8 in the "Adobe" folder. And the "Adobe" folder alphabetically is the first folder in the folder I'm backing up! I renamed the first 4 folders with a "Z" as the first letter and the new first 3 folders alphabetically would not back up and the first 4 files alphabetically under the "Adobe" folder would not back up. Why 3 instead of 4, I don't know. 

  • We will analyse the problem, thanks for your feedback.

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