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AOMEI sucks at network share

edited September 2017 in AOMEI Products Support


I have windows 2012 R2 server that is used to store backup: \\Athena\Backup\Kodi

I had a windows 7 pc whose AOMEI's backups are stored on the above shared drive.

This has been working fine for the last 5 years.

Yersterday I finally decided to take that free windows 10 upgrade. The upgrade went fine, no error reported.

But now, AOMEI refuses to backup my pc. When I edit the backup, all seems fine but when I press the "OK" button, I get this error:

"The specified path does not exist or is not writable. Please select other writable path."

But  this path exists and is writable!

From my windows 10 pc, I can type \\Saturn\Backup\Kodi in windows explorer and it works, I see the older backup, I can create files, delete them.

the user/password have not changed during the Windows7->Windows 10 upgrade

on the server, no change neither.

Since the last succesful backup happens before the windows 10 upgrade, I assume this issue has to do with windows 10.

I deleted windows 10, put back yesterday's Win7 backup (using the AOMEI boot disk)

when I edit the back and click OK, AOMEI didn't complain about the network path, and I the next scheduled backup worked fine.

I upgraded again to windows 10, and it's all the same problem again: AOMEI refuses my network path.

FInally, I decided to delete my existing backup schedule and create a new one, same network share and this time is worked.

This is uterly stupid and frustrating. I wasted 16 hours because of that stupid problem. AOMEI should make that very clear: a tutorial, a warning when I open the software. Something!


  • edited September 2017

    Boloss, you may (may) have run into a similar problem I had with a network share. A network share is dependent on the IP address of the destination computer. Unless your destination IP address was set as static it may have changed while you were doing your upgrade. All your backups will still be where you saved them and YOU can see them but if the computer IP is different, the AOMEI backup schedule won't see it. Every time your router is turned on it assigns an IP address to all connected devices. Your destination could have been assigned a different address from when you set up your AOMEI backup. This happened to me when I added a device to my network.

    I then set the IP address of my destination PC as static in my router setup. Haven't had a problem with my network share since then.

  • edited September 2017

    Boloss, after seeing what I wrote above a day later, I didn't really quite say what I intended.

    A network share should be able to use the name of the path or IP address of the share, but for AOMEI, even though they say to enter the name of the share or IP address, it appears that it really needs the IP address to work correctly. (Or at least that's the way it seems.)

    I found this out when the IP address of my backup location changed and the backup no longer worked. I emailed AOMEI tech support and they told me there was no way to change the IP address in the backup setup once created. So the correction for me was to make the IP address of the backup location static in my router setup and be the same as my backup schedule originally had it.

    I only suggested that this may have been your problem also. If it was, AOMEI documentation misses this point and probably should note that making your backup IP address static would prevent this kind of error.

  • thanks for the feedback, well IP address is required or "highly suggested" as part of the network path, then the software ought to tell me.

    In any case, the server has a static IP address, so the name should be resolved easily.

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