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Unallocated partition on Basic GPT


Have just downloaded Aomei standard for Windows 10.

The System Backup of the SSD looks to have performed correctly.  The program shows it as having 3 partitions, although I only have 2 .adi files on the external HDD.  Would this be correct?

The second question is in regard to Disk Backup.  The program shows my data HDD as Disk0 Basic GPT 931.51GB having 2 partitions with one showing 931.39GB Unallocated with 0.0 KB Used Space, and the other 128MB Unformatted with 0.0 KB Used Space.  Underneath it then repeats exactly the same information as Disk1. 

Windows shows this drive to have 230 GB of used space.  

When I run the backup it takes only seconds and saves a 28MB .adi file.

The only information I have been able to find regarding unallocated disks or partitions referred to them being from another OS which this is not.

Any suggestions will be gratefully received.




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