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restoring after an os breakdown

I have a WinXP on a separate partition which has broken down - something to do with the configuration files. I did a backup before the breakdown and I can see the XP backup.adi file on a partition (it multiboots with lubuntu and some puppy linuxes).

How can I get to restore the backup file without having a working Windows OS. I would be grateful for any help or suggestions.


  • About the XP backup.adi file, is it a system backup?

  • Thanks for the reply. I think it was a complete partition backup. Is there any  way I can identify it as an AOMEI file. I know I had AOMEI as an application in Win XP, so I assumed that I'd used that for the adi file.

  • The only problem was a corrupt system file. I replaced it with a backup and Windows is now working OK. So far as this thread is concerned, the question of restoring is now academic.

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