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Backup file sizes and deletion of old files

AOMEI was installed by my supplier on my new Windows 7 desktop.  He did not gave me any instructions so I have a few basic questions. 1) Why are all my daily backupfiles different sizes. 2) I am quickly filling up my hard backup drive. Will the program automatically delete old files to make room for new ones or do I have to manually delete files?


  • I guess that there was one full backup made in the beginning and a schedule was implemented to make a daily incremental backup. Because your daily changes differ from day to day, the incrementals (the differences to the last backup) have different sizes.

    It is a good idea to make a new full backup once in a while, manually, and let the incrementals further be based on that on. If you like you can then delete the old backups before the last full backup, manually.


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  • If it's the Pro version, the program will automatically delete old files. If it's the Standard version, you need to delete files manually.

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