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Backupper does not find the drive


I have a special problem with the backupper standard.

My PC ist conneted to a small private WLAN. My favorite target drive for backups is a Synology Box. 

On normal oparation the Synology drives are working as additional 5 drives for the PC. 

But if I try to place a backup or a syncronization task, 1 of the 5 drives does not appear in the selction box.

I cannot recognize the cause for that.

Are there any limitations in the standard edition responsible for this?

Will these limitations be avoided by the prof version?

Many thanks in advance



  • Sorry for that we do not gte this one.

    What is "Synology Box"?

    Please send us the screenshot of the disk management.

  • I think that the poster is talking about a NAS/SAN made by Synology.  Hence the number of HDDs.  In Unix and Linux the computer was always referred to as a box. You will often see people make statements like my "my Linux box" .  As far as I know Synology NAS/SAN run on a version of embedded Linux.

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