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AOMEI Backupper Professional - File Sync doesn't work

Created a sync job to synchronise a music folder from a network drive onto my windows 10 PC. The job runs every day and always finds nearly 1500 files still to be copied, and continues to run to completion, reporting success.

Analysis and comparison shows that individual files out of folders where the remainder of the folder was copied correctly are missed and some folders are missed in totality or have a small number of files copied.

To compound the issue, when using the AOMEI backup application to look at a shared NAS folder structure, it does not provide a list in alphabetical order. Initially it seems alphabetic, but as you move down the list, it quickly becomes apparent that it isn't and the remainder of the folder list is almost random.

Continually identifying 1500 files to transfer, and not completing the task, despite reporting "success" is unforgiveable. This software cannot be trusted to provide a backup/file sync. It just doesn't do it.


  • Sorry for this problem, maybe it is a small bug of the software. We record this problem for our techinicians adn they will try to find the problem.

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