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AMOEI Partition Software SE Won't let PC boot


I downloaded AMOEI Partition Software SE, to make partition on my Windows 10 machine. At the end of the operation it said 'Failure with error code 6 - Partition table is locked'. It said to press any key restart the computer. When I restart the computer, it runs that partition program again and fails with same message. It keeps doing that and won't let the computer boot.

I got windows 10 recovery DVD and tried to restart computer with that disc in the drive, it (AMOEI) won't even let that run. When starting the computer, AMOEI starts running and failing.

I'm in very bad situation, I want to start the computer any which way - Please help.


  • About
    your problem we felt sorry. Maybe the problem caused by the file that called
    “ampa.exe”. You can make a bootable tool which you could boot from it and
    manage the files on your computer, and then go to “C:/Windows” and locate the
    file “ampa.exe” and delete it. Then reboot your computer. This file is created
    by Partition Assistant,so it is safe to delete it.

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