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Differential Backup Unknown Error

Hi all, After I installed the latest 3.5 version of Aomei Backupper, I created a new full backaup of my entire Hard Disk. This morning I would like to create a differential backup based on the above full one, but just a few seconds after the process started I receive the following message:

Information Code: 4182

Unknown Error

Someone could tell me what's happening?



  • Please try to restart your computer and then rerun the software.

  • edited July 2016

    Hi, I've done it but without solution. I would like to underline the following:

    I have two different computers, Win764bit fully updated, both of them have the same problem, with all the available backups. The backups are on a NAS western digital mybooklive. The backups are correctly accessible using the Explore funcion. Actually I'm checking the image using the Check Image Utility and it seems there is no problem to access the image.

    Is it possible that the problem could be related with the network access by the Aomei Backupper? And in this case how do I solve? How can I tell to Aomei user and password for the network access?

  • Ok, I solved. I reinstalled again version 3.2 (and checked that backup could work correctly) and then again version 3.5. Now it works correctly

  • Here again because I noticed that the above problem seems to be related to the AOMEI Backupper Scheduler Service.

    Since I do not need to schedule any backup I disabled that service (and the ABNotify application in the startup list). But it seems not to be a good idea...

  • The error code 4182 is that it fails to run the AOMEI service. You need to reinstall the software to invoke that service.

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