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strange naming of backup-files


I choose a name for the backup "MyPC" and i choose a path, where to store it "X:\MyBackups" ...

So the backup-file should be like this: "X:\MyBackups\MyPC.adi" ...

But there is always another folder created "X:\MyBackups\MyPC\MyPC.adi" ...

I neither need nor want that folder ...

If i need or want it, i will create it  manually. There's no need to do this automatically by backupper.

So please add an option to deactivate this automatically folder-creation.




  • Sorry for that. Our software will create a floder to save the image file.

    Thanks for your suggestion, we will condsider to diable it in the future.

  • maybe disable is not the best way for all users.
    maybe u can make this optionally in the global settings ...

  • ok, we got it.Thank you.

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