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Can't backup tablet PC with only a SSD ... No HDD!

Hey folks,

Love your Backupper software. Installed Backupper and backups worked great on both my desktop and my laptop PC's running Windows 7 Home Premium. After I backed up both PC's I did an update install to Windows 10 on my laptop followed immediately by a clean install of Windows 10 on my laptop. As of now, both my Windows 7 desktop and my Windows 10 laptop continue to backup successfully with Backupper.

My wife has a problem however. She has an Acer Aspire Swith 10 tablet PC with no HDD just a built-in SSD drive. For some reason, Backupper DOES NOT recognize the SSD drive on this PC at all. I've tried to do both System, Disk, and Partition backups on this machine but Backupper apparently doesn't know the SSD drive is there at all. It doesn't show up in any type of backup and can't be selected manually either.

I did do an uninstall of Backupper and then re-downloaded and re-installed the most recent download from your website just to make sure I had the absolute latest version but nothing changed! Backupper still doesn't recognize the SSD drive.

I downloaded and installed EaseUS TODO Backup on my wife's machine and it does recognize the SSD. It allows me to do a System, Disk, and Partition level backup of this machine. I'd rather use just one backup solution however!

Is there something that I need to do or change in order to get AOMEI Backupper to recognize and backup the SSD in my wife's tablet PC?




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