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Partition assistant messed up drive.

Hi guys, I have a major problem, I needed more space on my boot SSD so I got some from another partition, (the "other partition " is Mac OS, I'm using a hackintosh dual booting Windows 7). So I got about 10GB of extra storage for my Windows C: drive and when I came to allocate it in disk management it wouldn't let me as the free space was on the "left side" (damnit Windows...) So I used this software and went through the steps to allocate the space, everything seemed fine ublntill I rebooted. After that it went through the PreOS thing and then got stuck on 96%, it then restarted as it prompted me to and now I can't get into the Mac OS or Windows. I've tried the repair disk but to no avail.

If you need anymore info just let me know. Cheers, Jake

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