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After Reinstalling Windows Vista I Cannot Access MY USB Drive

edited December 2015 in AOMEI Products Support

I have a 500GB external USB drive with 2 partitions - E and L. E: had MP3 and PDF files, L: had various other data files on it and I was able to access all the files. The drive is a Western Digital 500GB drive and I have been using it for a few years now.

For some unknown reason I had to completely reinstall Windows Vista. It is now up to SP2.

When I try to access E: and L: I now get a "E:\ is not accessible, access is denied" message. I can change the drive name but that is all. When I view them in AOMEI they both appear as Primary drives.

So I right=clicked on the E: icon, selected Properties > Tools and managed to back up the files to a different drive but when I restored them I saw that only my MP3 files were backed up and not the PDF files.

When I attempt to do the same for L: I cannot get past the "L:\ is not accessible" message to do a backup of those files.

I'm not sure what process to use with AOMEI 5 to gain access to my 2 drives and would appreciate any help offered.


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