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System backup?

I have been saved many times using an image from a competing product, however it was always a FULL DISK image.

If I make a "System" backup, and my computer will not boot, can I just restore the OS by using the System backup, WITHOUT having to restore my apps, settings and data?   In other words, will it just repair the OS by replacing the OS with an image of it that previously worked?    Seems like that would be much faster than restoring the entire disk.


  • sseyler,

    Is there error message when you make a system restore? You restore the system image to its original location or other location? 

  • Apparently you don't actually READ the questions on here.   I am asking if a System Restore will make an unbootable computer boot again without having to restore all data and settings, etc, and you come back asking if I am getting an error????

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