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Backupper Standard 2.5 - can't get Edit Backup to respond

Hi, I've really enjoyed the simplicity of Backupper, along with its flexibility.  I've been trying to add some more files to my File Backup through Home, Advanced, Edit Backup.  The dropdown menu includes Edit Backup.  When I click on that, it gives me Step2 with the Backup location.  Butt when I click OK, nothing happens - even after a long wait.  I tried this, and made my latest incremental Backup last night using 2.2.  After checking the Forums, I upgraded to 2.5.  But still no response.  What am I doing wrong?  Thanks!!


  • Step 2 is to change destination path of the backup. If you want to add more files to the file backup, you can click Add File or Add Folder.

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