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File/folder timestamps, file metadata & NTFS alternate data streams preservation when restoring

edited November 2014 in AOMEI Products Support


Has the follow when fixed in the laset version of Aomei Backupper v2.0.3? :

1. File and folder timestamps (date modified, created, etc.) are set
to the current time rather than the timestamps of the original

2. For at least an incremental backup,
changes to some file metadata (read-only attribute, hidden attribute,
etc.) are not saved/restored if the file's content was not changed since
the last backup

3. NTFS Alternate Data Streams are
not saved/restored (for example, executable files downloaded from the
Internet no longer show a warning in Windows File Explorer)

These are major flaws and makes this program unless until fixed. Has it been fixed?



  • Hi again,

    Sorry but except problem 1 we have fixed it, problem 2and3, we will fixed them in future versions. Sorry again.

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