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What is Aomei's response time to answer customers?

Why does it take so long for anyone in AOMEI support to respond to customer questions, and problems?


  • @JohnBrandenburg, Do you have any issues? If you email to the support team, generally, the support team will response to you in 24 hours.
  • I assure you I have emailed your support team several times, and never received a response.
  • @JohnBrandenburg, We checked that your all emails were replied to. Maybe you need to check spam folder.
    Or, please describe your issues in here.
  • I'm not sure who checked the emails, but I have never received an email from your support team. Please ask them to check what email address they sent the emails to.  This is my email address: [email protected]
    Please note that there is a period ie . between john and brandenburg.

    I do not sign on to your Forum site every day, only occasionally, I prefer to use email. 
  • @JohnBrandenburg, yes, we replied to the email.
    If you still can't receive our reply, please describe your issues in here.

  • I've checked all possible places/sites for emails from Aomei and haven't found one! My primary email internet supplier is Centurylink. I also have/use a Gmail account, but nothing there either. Where did you send these emails to China? 
  • Well, this grubby old man finally remembered that in the past there have been several internet/email services that could not handle the period (.) in my email address between John and Brandenburg. I will change my AOMEI user profile and add my Gmail account email address. Give me a few and then have someone test it out. I'll be looking for your email on Gmail.
  • Well, using my Gmail account didn't work either. I'm afraid the problem is in your software's ability to process emails! I tried sending an email from inside of Backupper notifications but that didn't work either. The ball is back in your court!
  • @JohnBrandenburg, Your issue is that the email notification can't work? Have you sent the test email successfully? If not, please confirm if you used App password to configure the email notification. Please refer to here: https://www.ubackup.com/troubleshooting/enable-app-password.html
  • I have not been able to send a test email, it runs ok but nothing happens, no email is ever sent or found. No, I have not used/created an App password. I'm using a Microsoft Windows 11 PC, not a cell phone! I checked out the link you posted, it was all Greek to me!
  • Are you the only person on AOMEI's support staff??
  • @JohnBrandenburg, Did you use Gmail Server to configure the email notification? If so, you need to enable App Password on your Google account, then you need to enter the email and the generated app password to configure email notifications in the AOMEI Backupper email notification settings.
    Or, you can try to use AOMEI Server to configure the email notification.
  • Did you use Gmail Server to configure the email notification? No, why would I need a Gmail Server? I use Gmail and have a Google user profile. That should be enough! 
    Why has AOMEI made it so much of a problem just to send an email? I've been using emails for, well a long time, and have never been required to jump through so many loopholes just to send an email. 
  • @JohnBrandenburg, "I use Gmail and have a Google user profile."---So, which SMTP did you use? Please take a screenshot of your email configuration.
  • I'm sorry but I don't understand what you want me to do. I've never created a Gmail Server. What should I use for the Gmail address and App Password?
  • I have attached a screen print of my Gmail server options.
  • AOMEI Backupper test message(HOMEPC)Wed May 08 10:08:05 2024

    I finally sent/found the notification messages I sent after I used the Aomei server in the email notifications
  • @JohnBrandenburg, Please refer to the link to enable app password for your google account: https://www.ubackup.com/troubleshooting/enable-app-password.html
    And then, you need to fill in your Gmail address and then app password under Gmail Address.

  • I used the AOMEI's server, not Gmail but I received the TEST emails in my Gmail inbox. Thanks for all the help.
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