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Need to restore microsoft SQL Database ASAP

Help Please!
Had a server go down and i need to restore my SQL database but have been unsuccessful and need help!
is there anyone who can help me ?
Thank you


  • BTW I'm using AOMEI Centralized Backup. I meant to include that in the original post but am in such a panic as I need to get back up and running ASAP. 

    Thanks to anyone who can help me. 
  • Thank you DJ, please reply with a screenshot of the error.
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  • This is the error message I get. 

  • I had to do a system reset which wiped the drive.  Then had to reinstall AOMEI but because there are no "Tasks", it will not allow me to restore.  I am at a loss as to what to do. 
  • edited February 26
    I understand the preconfigured tasks are not working now. Have you tried performing the task manually?
  • @DJV2024, "I had to do a system reset which wiped the drive. "--Is it also the computer that running AOMEI Centralized Backupper? If yes, when you do a system reset, it also deletes the SQL backup task, so you can't use the restore option on AOMEI Centralized Backupper. AOMEI Backupper can't support SQL backup and restore.
    But, you can install MySQl on the computer, and try to directly import the SQL backup image (.bak files) via MySQl.
  • edited March 2
    DJV2024, could you please give us an update with how this issue is going?

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