AOMEI Backupper 2.8.0 log is as follows: ====================== System Information ====================== Module Path: X:\Program Files\AomeiBackupper\Backupper.exe Product Name: Windows (TM) 8 Preinstallation Environment (6.2.9200.2) Service Package: OS Version: 6.3 Total Memory: 1761 MB Available Memory: 1256 MB System Root: X:\windows Processor Architecture: AMD64 Processor Number: 1 Current Time: 2015-8-10 9:40:50 ================================================================ [0 ]::GetFileAttributesA(sCurPath) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES return code: 0x00000000, NetworkMgr.cpp(208). [2 ]::GetFileAttributesA(sCurPath) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES return code: 0x00000000, NetworkMgr.cpp(208). diskinfo.h(451): Failed to init GPT style table. [0 ]dyndisk.cpp(213): Failed to RegQueryValueEx on GetSysDgGuid. [0 ]ldmio.cpp(89): No dynamic disks are found. //////////////////////////////Dump Information//////////////////////////// Dump Disk: ================================================================ Disk Index Total Sector Geometry Product Name ---------- ------------ -------- ------------ 0 83886080 (40.00GB) (5221,255,63) VBOX HARDDISK (Basic Disk,MBR,Sig: 4ff4289b) Dump Volume: ================================================================ ID Volume File System Total Sector Used Sector Free Sector Type Status Cluster Size Volume Label -- ------ ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ---- ------ ------------ ------------ 0.0 D: NTFS 716799 (350.00MB) 527872 (257.75MB) 188927 (92.25MB) Primary Ok,Act,Sys 8 System Reserved 0.1 C: NTFS 83165183 (39.66GB) 17198888 (8.20GB) 65966295 (31.46GB) Primary Ok,Boot 8 Dump Slice: ================================================================ ID ParentID SequenceID Offset Sector Start Sector Slice Size Unallocated -- -------- ---------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- [2 ]bFind return code: 0x0132100B, MainWidget.cpp(306). diskinfo.h(451): Failed to init GPT style table. [0 ]dyndisk.cpp(213): Failed to RegQueryValueEx on GetSysDgGuid. [0 ]ldmio.cpp(89): No dynamic disks are found. //////////////////////////////Dump Information//////////////////////////// Dump Disk: ================================================================ Disk Index Total Sector Geometry Product Name ---------- ------------ -------- ------------ 0 83886080 (40.00GB) (5221,255,63) VBOX HARDDISK (Basic Disk,MBR,Sig: 4ff4289b) Dump Volume: ================================================================ ID Volume File System Total Sector Used Sector Free Sector Type Status Cluster Size Volume Label -- ------ ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ---- ------ ------------ ------------ 0.0 D: NTFS 716799 (350.00MB) 527872 (257.75MB) 188927 (92.25MB) Primary Ok,Act,Sys 8 System Reserved 0.1 C: NTFS 83165183 (39.66GB) 17198888 (8.20GB) 65966295 (31.46GB) Primary Ok,Boot 8 Dump Slice: ================================================================ ID ParentID SequenceID Offset Sector Start Sector Slice Size Unallocated -- -------- ---------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- [1 ]BootQuickCfg.cpp(821): SetLocalSystemDefault Failed. [6 ]bootset.cpp(1345): Failed to get our boot option. [1 ]BootQuickCfg.cpp(892): RemoveOurBootOptionInWinPE Failed. [997 ]EnumRemoteFolder.cpp(382): 0 = InitNetWorkPath(\\\c$, ffxii\administrator ...) [997 ]EnumRemoteFolder.cpp(382): 0 = InitNetWorkPath(\\\c$, ffxii\administrator ...) [997 ]EnumRemoteFolder.cpp(382): 0 = InitNetWorkPath(\\\c$, ffxii\administrator ...) [997 ]EnumRemoteFolder.cpp(382): 0 = InitNetWorkPath(\\\c$, ffxii\administrator ...) diskinfo.h(451): Failed to init GPT style table. [0 ]dyndisk.cpp(213): Failed to RegQueryValueEx on GetSysDgGuid. [0 ]ldmio.cpp(89): No dynamic disks are found. //////////////////////////////Dump Information//////////////////////////// Dump Disk: ================================================================ Disk Index Total Sector Geometry Product Name ---------- ------------ -------- ------------ 0 83886080 (40.00GB) (5221,255,63) VBOX HARDDISK (Basic Disk,MBR,Sig: 4ff4289b) Dump Volume: ================================================================ ID Volume File System Total Sector Used Sector Free Sector Type Status Cluster Size Volume Label -- ------ ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ---- ------ ------------ ------------ 0.0 D: NTFS 716799 (350.00MB) 527888 (257.76MB) 188911 (92.24MB) Primary Ok,Act,Sys 8 System Reserved 0.1 C: NTFS 83165183 (39.66GB) 17198888 (8.20GB) 65966295 (31.46GB) Primary Ok,Boot 8 Dump Slice: ================================================================ ID ParentID SequenceID Offset Sector Start Sector Slice Size Unallocated -- -------- ---------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- [997 ]EnumRemoteFolder.cpp(382): 0 = InitNetWorkPath(\\\c$, ffxii\administrator ...) Backup Parameters: IsSecBySec = 0 IsIgnoreBadSec = 1 IsUseSysVss = 1 IsSilenceMod = 0 IsCheckImgAfter = 0 IsPrecisionMod = 0 IsSystemBackup = 0 MediaType = 0 BackupType = 0 CompressLevel = 1 EncryptLevel = 0 SplitFileSize = 0 NetWriteSpeed = 0 DependencyVer = -1 VolumeCount = 2 PasswordProtect = 0 TempFolder = X:\windows\TEMP\ ImgFilePath = \\\c$\ttt\Disk Backup\ Backup Volume 0: IsDynamic = 0 IsPrimary = 1 IsHide = 0 IsActive = 1 IsSystem = 1 IsBoot = 0 IsBitLocker = 0 IsFailed = 0 Filesystem = 1 StartSector = 0x800 TotalSectors = 0xAEFFF PtTotalSectors = 0xAF000 UsedSectors = 0x80E00 DiskIndex = 0x0 DiskSignature = 0x4FF4289B ClusterSize = 0x8 PartType = 0x7 DriveLetter = 0x44,D Backup Volume 1: IsDynamic = 0 IsPrimary = 1 IsHide = 0 IsActive = 0 IsSystem = 0 IsBoot = 1 IsBitLocker = 0 IsFailed = 0 Filesystem = 1 StartSector = 0xAF800 TotalSectors = 0x4F4FFFF PtTotalSectors = 0x4F50000 UsedSectors = 0x1066F28 DiskIndex = 0x0 DiskSignature = 0x4FF4289B ClusterSize = 0x8 PartType = 0x7 DriveLetter = 0x43,C [0 ]!(bSys&&bBoot) return code: 0x00000000, DsBackup.cpp(1361). [2 ]hFile!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE return code: 0x00000000, helper.cpp(46). [2 ]hFile!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE return code: 0x00000000, helper.cpp(46). [2 ]hFile!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE return code: 0x00000000, helper.cpp(46). [2 ]hFile!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE return code: 0x00000000, helper.cpp(46). [3 ]INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE!=Finder return code: 0x0097100B, ImageReaderHelp.cpp(151). [3 ]SearchImageFiles(wsPath, wsTaskName, stGuid, m_vtrImageList) return code: 0x0097100B, ImageReaderHelp.cpp(62). [3 ]FileList.size() return code: 0x0240100B, ImageReaderHelp.cpp(576). diskinfo.h(451): Failed to init GPT style table. [0 ]dyndisk.cpp(213): Failed to RegQueryValueEx on GetSysDgGuid. [0 ]ldmio.cpp(89): No dynamic disks are found. //////////////////////////////Dump Information//////////////////////////// Dump Disk: ================================================================ Disk Index Total Sector Geometry Product Name ---------- ------------ -------- ------------ 0 83886080 (40.00GB) (5221,255,63) VBOX HARDDISK (Basic Disk,MBR,Sig: 4ff4289b) Dump Volume: ================================================================ ID Volume File System Total Sector Used Sector Free Sector Type Status Cluster Size Volume Label -- ------ ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ---- ------ ------------ ------------ 0.0 D: NTFS 716799 (350.00MB) 527888 (257.76MB) 188911 (92.24MB) Primary Ok,Act,Sys 8 System Reserved 0.1 C: NTFS 83165183 (39.66GB) 17198888 (8.20GB) 65966295 (31.46GB) Primary Ok,Boot 8 Dump Slice: ================================================================ ID ParentID SequenceID Offset Sector Start Sector Slice Size Unallocated -- -------- ---------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- [126 ]BrVol.cpp(435): CreateMultVSSDevice. [0 ]BakDrvApi.cpp(47): Open=\\.\Volume{00dda70d-1eec-11e5-8250-806e6f6e6963} [0 ]Des&&InDesLen>=DesLen return code: 0x03F51002, BrVol.cpp(1013). [0 ]BrVol.cpp(1432): Active: 1, System: 1, Boot: 0 [3 ]uResult return code: 0x00551005, BrFileWin.cpp(89). [3 ]uResult return code: 0x00551005, ImageWriterHelp.cpp(123). [3 ]pThis->GetNewImageFile(&pImg) return code: 0x00551005, ImageWriterHelp.cpp(207). [3 ]m_pfnCallBack(CALBAK_CMD_ASK_FOR_NEW_IMAGE , NULL, 0, ReceivePackage, uRLen, m_pUserData) return code: 0x00551005, ImageFileSet.cpp(372). [3 ]AskForNewFile(&pNewImg) return code: 0x00551005, ImageFileSet.cpp(462). [3 ]GetNextNewFile(&m_pCurImage) return code: 0x00551005, ImageFileSet.cpp(222). [3 ]WriteData2(m_pCacheBuffer, uLen) return code: 0x00551005, ImageFileSet.cpp(204). [3 ]FlushCache() return code: 0x00551005, ImgWriteCache.cpp(77). [3 ]WriteCache(Buffer, BufLen) return code: 0x00551005, ImageFileSet.cpp(186). [3 ]m_pImgSet->WriteData(Buff, NewLen, ImgOffset) return code: 0x00551005, ImageVolume.cpp(237). [3 ]pThis->m_pDsImgVol->SetEncodeBlock(Blk.RegionNum, Blk.BlockNum , Blk.Buf, Blk.OldLen, Blk.NewLen, Blk.Crc32) return code: 0x00551005, BrVol.cpp(1078). [0 ]pBrVol->BackupData() return code: 0x00551005, DsBackup.cpp(844). [0 ]m_pWriter->Delete() return code: 0x00000000, DsBackup.cpp(868). [2 ]BackupVolumes(Vols, pBackup) return code: 0x00551005, DsBackup.cpp(410). [122 ]m_pCurTask->Execute(pParam, uLength) return code: 0x00551005, FuncExecute.cpp(138).