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Add current date to backup directory name

Hello all

I'm using "AOMEI Backupper Standard Edition 2.0.2": thanks for this good product!

I've setup scheduled backups for C: and D: drives. I've chosen two appropriate names for each of the two, e.g. "Backup of Hard Disk 0 - C". When Backupper runs as scheduled, it creates the two folders with the same names, and inside each of those two folders it creates a .ADI file, with that name (so "Backup of Hard Disk 0 - C.adi" in the example).

I'd like to know if it is possible to achieve the following result: is there a way to let AOMEI Backupper add a prefix/suffix with the current date to the folder name, or to the file name? So that when backups run as scheduled after some time, one can see something like:

Backup of Hard Disk 0 - C 2014-10-14\ Backup of Hard Disk 0 - C.adi

Backup of Hard Disk 0 - C 2014-10-21\ Backup of Hard Disk 0 - C.adi

Backup of Hard Disk 0 - C 2014-10-28\ Backup of Hard Disk 0 - C.adi

or e.g. something like:

Backup of Hard Disk 0 - C\ 2014-10-14 Backup of Hard Disk 0 - C.adi

Backup of Hard Disk 0 - C\ 2014-10-21 Backup of Hard Disk 0 - C.adi

Backup of Hard Disk 0 - C\ 2014-10-28 Backup of Hard Disk 0 - C.adi

I searched in the forum, but I could not find anything similar. Also looking over Google, no meaningful result came up.

Please do not hesitate to ask if needed.
Thanks for your attention


  • It is not supported at present. I will forward it as improvement to our dev team. Thank you for your feedback.

  • Can I ask if the date feature is now supported (in mid-July 2019)?

    I am considering moving to Aomei Backupper Standard.  Can someone kindly confirm that I will be able to include the source PC name and date of backup in the folder/file name?  I do not mind manually specifying these in the name.  Thanks.
  • You can modify the name manually.
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