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AOMEI Backupper Standard - Logs

Where can I find the logs of what got backed up and what didn't? I'd prefer to get this information sent in the email that tells me the back up was successful. 


  • You can see the logs in Tools-->View Logs. You can also enable the email notifications in Settings.
  • @admin, All that I have seen in the logs was a simple statement in the description saying that the backup was successful.  What I understood Bcrazycramer to be requesting was like an itemized list of the files included in the backup.  I have not seen that anywhere in any of the logs.  Would it be possible to add a verbose option that would provide that level of detail in the log file if the client wanted to request it?
  • That´s exactly what I´m missing and have suggest in my "suggestion overview"....
  • @Vbbritt, @MrPresident, The logs indeed don't record the detail files list. We will submit your suggestion to our dev team.
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