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Detect in *.adi file the Backupper version, creation timestamp and computername?

Assume I have a ADI file with a common filename like mybackup.adi

Can I find out
- when exactly the adi file was created
- with which version of Aomei Backupper
- on which computer (=computername)

I guess its somehow written into *.adi file header.

but how to read it?

Peter Steiner


  • Peter, if you check the file properties you will find out the date that the file was created.  The computer name is also contained in the file properties.  Simply position the mouse pointer over the .adi file and click the right mouse button and then select properties to obtain the information.

    Unfortunately, I am at a loss to answer your question as to which version of Backupper created the file.
  • @Pstein, you can check the create date of backup image via file properties. 
    The backup image (adi file) doesn't record which version creates it. But, you can use any version of AOMEI Backupper to restore it.
    And, backup doesn't record the computer name that creates it. Maybe you can name the name of backup task with including computer name when you create the backup. So, you can know which computer the backup file belongs to.
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