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Partition Assistant 8.9 problem with flash drive

I was attempting to format a drive and believe I used the "wipe" feature on my Samsung 128GB flash drive.  I received an error (should have screen capped it) and now I cannot see the flash drive at all.  When I plug it in, I hear the sound that it's in, but does not show up in disk management OR device manager.  Hopefully I didn't brick my flash drive.


  • edited September 2020
    If the computer beeps then it recognizes the USB flash drive.  I would suggest opening a command prompt in the administrative mode.  Then type in Diskpart and hitting the enter key (The  command prompt should change to diskpart>).  Next type in "list disk" and hit the enter key.  You should see a display similar to what is attached below.  On my machine my flash drive is disk 8.  See if you can find your flash drive on your list by looking at the size and comparing it to the capacity of your flash drive.  If you see your disk then type in "select disk (x)" where X is equal to the number of the disk on your machine.  Type in "Disk" followed by return and your machine will display all of the operations that you can perform on the disk using the disk command.  Just make sure that your flash drive is the selected disk.  There should be an asterisk in the far left column beside your flash drive.  Check the status column to make sure that the drive is online.  If it is marked as offline then type in "disk online" followed by the enter key.  I would think that if the drive is online now that you should be able to type in "create partition primary" and the machine will create a primary partition on the drive.  Once the drive is online and has a primary partition defined then you should type in exit and close the command prompt window.  Then you should be able to use disk management to format the partition.  You may need to familiarize yourself with the diskpart command and how to use it (google works well).  Just make sure that the asterisk is marked on your flash drive (look below for an example) because you certainly do not want to mess up any other disk on your machine.  I do not know for sure if this will allow you to fix your problem or not, but it is where I would begin if it were my flash drive.  Good luck, I hope this helps.

  • I did the same thing with my flash drive (wipe feature) and all that it did was to leave the flash drive in an unallocated state.  So if the error hadn't have occurred then you would have been okay.
  • @vbbritt Thank you...yup I tried to see it in command prompt and it still does not show.  I think it may be ruined unfortunately.  The good news is that it was only about 20 bucks.
  • @Johnny_Utah71, Could you offer us the log folder under the installation directory of AOMEI Backupper so that we check the problem? And, what error did you get when you wipe the flash drive?
    In addition, what status is the flash drive before you wipe it? Are there bad sectors on the drive?
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