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Can't boot from restored disk image on a new SSD

I'm running an MSI GT72 laptop with just one M.2 SSD slot which I'm trying to upgrade from 256GB (Kingston) to a new 1TB card (Samsung 970 EVO).  I've already attempted making a disk backup saved to an external HDD using Aomei Backupper, swapping out the SSD cards in the laptop, then booting back up using an Aomei Backupper bootable thumb drive, then restoring the disk image to the new SSD (and making sure to choose the Universal option since it's a different SSD).  After this is complete, I reboot and am immediately taken to the WIndows 10 troubleshoot page where I then attempt to use Startup Repair (this never works).  I've also tried entering into the Command Prompt and typing in the bootrec.exe commands that are suggested on the Aomei website (bootrec.exe /fixboot is always access denied).  After trying all this plus about a dozen variations of the backup/restore process, I just can't seem to get this to work.  What am I missing here?  (And I already know how to enter BIOS settings and change the boot order, so there's no issue about making sure I'm booting to the correct drive when I need to.)


  • UPDATE: I tried so many different things with Aomei Backupper that I was eventually forced to try Macrium Reflect and that's what worked for me :neutral:
  • edited February 3
    Interesting that Macrium Reflect did what the user wanted, but AOMEI Backupper failed. I had to do something similar on my previous older laptop, using Seagate Seatools, and their recommendation was to put the original HDD in an external USB box, which I already had, boot from that, then use the Seatools clone tool to create the new full disk image on the new SSD inside the laptop. I did notice that AOMEI Backupper clone functions DOES seem to mess with the BCD records on copied disks, and will affect boot order IF MORE THAN ONE BOOTABLE DISK IS IN THE SYSTEM. This is especially noticeable on desktop systems, with 2 x M2 slots, with identical disk types. I think AOMEI Backupper clone function should ASK to change or leave the original boot order, as most users will want to create a bootable backup ONLY, and NOT actually use it on next boot!! There is the appropriate bcd command for the clone tool to use for this purpose (e.g.
    bcdboot C:\Windows /p
    bcdboot C:\Windows /p /d 
  • NOTE: the bcdboot commands mentioned in my post able are ONLY examples of what the AOMEI Backupper clone function should/could use internally to provide the correct outcome (i.e. backup clone or transfer clone), the commands were NOT mentioned for users to do.
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