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Real-time Sync, deletion of folder in the destination


The "Real-time Sync" from a USB stick to the hard disk works fine.
But when a folder is deleted in the USB stick, the folder is still left untouched in the hard disk. I want it removed in the harddisk.
How to solve that? To manually go in to the hard disk and remove folders seems a bit akward...


  • Did you tick the option below?

  • Hi,

    yesterday I bought Aomei backupper Pro edition 6.4.0. and created a realtime sync job.
    If I delete a file on source it immediately deletes this file on destination - does that make sence?
    What if I accidentially have deleted the file on source? Then it is immediately deleted on destination and my file has gone forever.

    @admin: In the screenshot of your last answere (April 2019) there is an option:

     'When deleteing the source, files in the destination is also deleted'

    In my version of Aomei backupper I cannot see this option - where is it please?

  • @Mrburns, The new version has canceled the option. It is used by default. We will optimize the feature (re-add the option) in the next version.
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