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Disk Clone Leaves an "Unallocated" disk drive

Hello - I am using the backupper cloning software. Half of the time, when I clone sector by sector, the cloned disk has an "unallocated" partition. It does not boot and I have to go back and re-clone the disk. It does this sometimes two times in a row. Is there any way to change the partition from unallocated to active?


  • Helpdesk,

    Unallocated indicates no detected partition using that space, so there's nothing to mark active.  I'd recommend having the log file looked at or email tech support at [email protected]

  • Did you try to clone a small disk to a large one? The destination disk partitioned just like the source partition. So it leaves an unlocated space. you can use AOMEI Partition Assistant to manage it

  • Yes I am cloning a small to large hard drive. Where do I get log files?

  • Helpdesk,

    Log files for Aomei products are stored in the installation folder.  For example,

    c:\program files\aomei backupper standard 2.2\logs.

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