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Aomei pe builder 2.0 - bootable disc based on Windows 10 x64, I can't run third party programs.

I used aomei pe builder 2.0 to create my bootable disc. Created on the basis of Windows 10 x64. I also added my programs there. But after I boot from this disk, none of my programs start there. I double click on the exe files and nothing happens. And on regular Windows 10 x64, these programs run and work perfectly.


  • Same here......
  • @Jobacc @Bill_M, Did you add programs installed on the win10? WinPE only supports the portable or WinPE version of programs. So, you need to add the WinPE version of programs. Or, these programs must support portable.
  • No, I was not aware.  I even added a few. Exe files and these won't run either.  Honestly, I don't know why the option to add anything is even included if it doesn't work?  There seems to be  lot of bugs in many areas of your software from what I'm seeing. After playing for what I thought was premium software it "should just work", and now honestly after about 2 weeks into it I still haven't got everything working as I wanted and am wishing I had purchased something else.

    I'm running out of time to play with this AOMEI!  HAVE TO RETURN TO WORK Soon, and seems rediculous.  Do you not offer 1-800 phone support and are you not able to remotely troubleshoot the issue? 
  • @Bill_M, We currently don't have phone support. As for AOMEI PE Builder, we temporarily don't have the update plan.
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