System does not boot after recovery.
Hi, I have been using Backupper Pro for several years. This is a first for me. On boot after recovery the system went to 'Attempt to Repair' instead of booting up. I rebooted using F12 and found that my Windows Boot Manager was highlighted. Below it my hard drive was listed. When I selected the hard drive and continued, the system booted up. So now I have to go through F12 to boot every time.This is a Windows 10 OS and a Dell 660 PC.
The Bias screen would not upload. It shows the windows boot device as: [ UEFI : Windows Boot Manager }. Secure Boot Control: Enabled. Boot Mode: [UEFI]. On the F12 screen you will notice the hard drive listed 3 times. That may be because I tried to recover 3 times. I would appreciate any help on this.
You can Clean the HDD with Windows Diskpart and convert the HDD to GPT.
I assume that the backup was made on the same UEFI HDD as it is restored to?
I also assume you made a system backup and not a partition backup.
1. You could take the HDD out and make it external to another computer or 2. you start the Aomei CD/DVD and go to utilities->Command prompt (something like that) Or 3. start a Windows installation DVD and press Shift+F10 in a setup screen to go to command window.
type in:
>list disk
> select disk # (# the disk to be cleaned)
> list disk ( to see if you selected the right disk)
> clean
> convert gpt
> exit
> exit
Then restore the backup