Home Storage General Discussion

Don't works fine

I have a 1 TB cloud. Via WebDAV I have assigned the drive letter S:.
I try to synchronize from drive D directories to WebDAV LW S:. I get the message that drive S: is not addressable. Also the username and password that works correctly under Netdrive is not accepted.
What is wrong?
Kind regards,


  • Can Windows access the WebDAV?
  • Hello Admin, same situation here, Throught the explorer I have access to any of the Webdav drives, but in Backupper it says it does not have the access to it. 

    Do you have any suggestion I can try to fix this ?
    Best regards.
  • edited January 2
    Plarton, when you are posting a question with a screenshot, please always choose 1 language to use. Do not post in 1 language, and then screenshot in a different language. Instead, always post text and screenshot in the same 1 language, thank you.

  • Hello AiArtisan, sure please find the screenshot with the error in English : 

  • @Plarton, AOMEI Backupper only supports accessing network path using SMB protocol.
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